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Injunction and Settlement Obtained for Software Company in Copyright Action

Represented a client in a complex software matter where high-level employees left and allegedly took source code with them. We positioned our client for litigation by filing key copyright registrations on its software in an expedited manner, taking critical source code discovery, hiring a top-level expert, and filing a compelling motion for preliminary injunction, all of which drove a favorable settlement for our client, including a stipulated injunction against further use of its software.

Andrew (Jake) Grove

Plaintiff Dismisses Copyright Action

Successfully represented a client in connection with a software audit and caused the software owner consortium to walk away with no payment after initially demanding a five figure payment.

Andrew (Jake) Grove

Injunctions and Damages Obtained Against Software Copyright Infringers

Enforced a client's software copyrights against a range of infringers, some of which involved litigation that ended with the infringers accepting an injunction and paying damages.

Andrew (Jake) Grove

Successfully Enforced Software Company's Copyrights

Enforced a client's software copyrights against a competitor and obtained a favorable settlement following months of hard-fought litigation.

Andrew (Jake) Grove

Win of Largest Corporate Copyright Dispute in Nevada State History

Lead Nevada litigation counsel for major international publicly traded software development and support services provider in the largest corporate copyright dispute action in Nevada State history.

W. West Allen

Patent, Trademark, Copyright, and Trade Secret Rights Enforced on Behalf of U.S. and International Clients

As lead prosecution counsel and defense counsel, successfully negotiated and resolved scores of U.S. Federal Court patent, trademark, copyright, and trade secret intellectual property disputes involving U.S. and foreign companies, including international clients from, among other places, China, Canada, Mexico, Austria, and Australia.

W. West Allen

Copyrights Successfully Enforced for Developer of Automobile Navigation Software

Represented developer of commercial navigation software in connection with enforcement of its copyrights against manufacturers of in-dash automobile navigation systems.

Jonathan W. Fountain

Successful Settlement of Copyright Claims for Production Company

Represented production company in defense of copyright infringement claims brought by Las Vegas stage show performer. Successfully negotiated settlement of claims.

Jonathan W. Fountain

Successful Settlement for General Motors in a Complex On-Board Computer Systems Case

Enforced clients' intellectual property and related rights on Facebook®, YouTube®, and elsewhere

Andrew (Jake) Grove

Successful Defense Against Artist's Claims of Copyright Infringement in Las Vegas Hotel Rooms

Represented Las Vegas resort hotel/casino in defense of copyright infringement claims based on display of artist’s works in hotel rooms.

Jonathan W. Fountain