Mergers & Acquisitions

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Mergers & Acquisitions

Meet your cross-functional, multidisciplinary M&A team.

We close deals. At the end of the day, that’s what we do and that’s the result our clients aim to achieve working with our Mergers & Acquisitions Practice Group. No matter the economics, nature of the business, assets and liabilities, or regulatory hurdles, our team of mergers and acquisitions specialists - known as Deal Team H2 - manages the entire transactional process and strives to bring the deal across the finish line.

This success is mainly due to our vast industry and market experience. We represent buyers and sellers and investors and lenders regarding businesses ranging from closely held, family owned companies to U.S. and international publicly traded companies. Our mergers and acquisitions attorneys are intimately familiar with all domestic and cross-border deal options, including:

Types of Mergers & Acquisitions

Howard & Howard M&A attorneys closely collaborate with in-house counsel, executives, and directors, while working alongside investment bankers, local and foreign counsel, regulators, accountants, and other advisors to address every detail during the due diligence, document drafting, negotiation, and closing process.

We also credit our ongoing success to a cross-functional “Flexible Deal Team” approach that allows us to assign the best person to each task, regardless of the transaction’s scope, size, or location. This method is easily scaled, delivering value to clients across the board. It is especially beneficial in larger, auction-style processes with multiple competing buyers; in those instances, a “Core Deal Team” of two or more lead attorneys is supported by “Flex Teams” of attorneys and paralegals who respond to multiple potential purchasers and conduct parallel negotiations, providing efficient services to the client.

Merger & Acqusition Risk Management 

Efficiency is paramount at Howard & Howard, so when deal events trigger questions in other areas of the law, our M&A attorneys consult with colleagues, whether down the hall or across the country, to address potential risks and opportunities stemming from:

Howard & Howard’s dynamic mergers and acquisitions team has the collective experience, skill, and wisdom to serve as your go-to advisors throughout any stage of a transaction. We’re committed to our clients’ success. Simply put, we close deals.

Merger and Acquisition Attorneys Near You

With offices in Nevada, Michigan, Illinois, and California, Deal Team H2 can provide your business with the mergers and acquisitions services you need, with the experience and knowledgeability you deserve. Contact us today for any of your M&A needs.